Even though I'm a very experienced Eclipse user, please explain exactly how one gets to "Hibernate Code Generation Configurations". It is not in my run configurations or anywhere else I have looked. I cannot find where to set up for reveng at all. I have no Hibernate icon in the toolbar, but my Eclipse configurations indicates that "Hibernate Tools for Eclipse", Version: 3.2.4.v200910211631N-H194-GA is installed.
I have just freshly installed Ganymede Classic and the JBoss Tools as of today. There is no Hibernate icon to be seen, there is no hint of any reverse engineering tools available whatsoever, even after I have a connection to the appropriate DB working and a brand new Java project created. Tell me exactly, in great detail please, the exact steps one intiates to get to a point where I can start seeing hints or UIs for reverse engineering.
After that, I'm hoping that what will be generated are entities and DAOs that are JPA-annontated and using the HibernateTempate stuff. Thank you.