1.) What was the benefit of putting it using annotations?
I think it is just about taste; personally I like the annotations most as they are quite synthetic and don't pollute the domain object too much; also it becomes part of it, it is IMHO more unreadable to have to open several files to understand how the model looks like. Just a personal view; Also I think people looking at your model could forget about the fulltext options in a separated xml file and make inappropriate changes. It is more focus-oriented: when you need to change the model the source file contains everything you have to read, instead of having information scattered around;-)
2.) Will their be future release using xml setting?
Everybody agrees it would be nice to have the possibility to use xml too and have it override the annotations; many have volunteered to code it but have disappeared.
3.) How come 3.0.1 GA is in jboss repsoistory but not in maven main ibiblo ?
Maven support is work in progress...
P.S. I'm not one of the experts who designed it, I just happen to know the answer for 2 and 3; 1 is personal.