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 Post subject: Oracle Longs
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:05 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2003 11:49 am
Posts: 15
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I saw a message regarding this issue in the old Sourceforge forum but I didn't see a resolution. Here is a (partial) hibernate mapping:

<class name="Column" mutable="false"  table="user_tab_cols">
            <key-many-to-one name="table" class="Table" column="table_name"/>           
            <key-property name="name" column="column_name" type="string" length="30" />       
        <property name="dataType" column="data_type" length="106" not-null="false" type="string"/>
        <property name="length" column="data_length" not-null="true" type="java.lang.Long"/>       
        <property name="precision" column="data_precision" not-null="false" type="java.lang.Long"/>       
        <property name="scale" column="data_scale" not-null="false" type="java.lang.Long"/>
        <property name="nullable" column="nullable" length="1" not-null="false" type="string"/>
        <property name="defaultValue" column="data_default" not-null="false" type="string"/>
        <property name="sequence" column="column_id" not-null="false" type="java.lang.Long"/>

that fails when calling it like this:

Query query = session.createQuery("from Column as c where c.table.name = 'ABC'");
        List columnList = query.list();

But works if you do it like this:

Iterator columns = session.iterate("from Column as c where c.table.name = 'ANALYTES'");
        while (columns.hasNext()){

I get "java.sql.SQLException: Stream has already been closed". The problem seems to be with the data_default column of type LONG. If I comment it out, the code works either way.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:17 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:50 pm
Posts: 5130
Location: Melbourne, Australia
This is a bug in the Oracle JDBC driver (yes, Yet Another!) that can uausally be worked around by putting the LONG column _last_ in the mapping, ie.

<class name="Column" mutable="false"  table="user_tab_cols">
            <key-many-to-one name="table" class="Table" column="table_name"/>           
            <key-property name="name" column="column_name" type="string" length="30" />       
        <property name="dataType" column="data_type" length="106" not-null="false" type="string"/>
        <property name="length" column="data_length" not-null="true" type="java.lang.Long"/>       
        <property name="precision" column="data_precision" not-null="false" type="java.lang.Long"/>       
        <property name="scale" column="data_scale" not-null="false" type="java.lang.Long"/>
        <property name="nullable" column="nullable" length="1" not-null="false" type="string"/>
        <property name="sequence" column="column_id" not-null="false" type="java.lang.Long"/>
        <property name="defaultValue" column="data_default" not-null="false" type="string"/>

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:24 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2003 11:49 am
Posts: 15
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
That doesn't work for me. Does it depend on the version of the JDBC driver? I tried ojdbc14.jar and classes12.zip

PS. This new forum is SO much better!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:29 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:50 pm
Posts: 5130
Location: Melbourne, Australia

what does the generated SQL look like?

The bug I know about is that Oracle closes any stream apart from the *last* column in the SELECT clause. So the trick is to get Hibernate to put that column last in the select clause.

If that doesn't help, I really don't know. Oracle JDBC driver is a real pain.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:10 am 

Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2003 11:49 am
Posts: 15
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I modified the mapping like this:
    <!-- key-many-to-one name="table" class="Table" column="table_name"/-->
    <key-property name="tableName" column="table_name" length="30" type="string"/>

and now it works. Two SQL statements were being issued, one to resolve the columns and the other to instantiate the table. Not a great solution, but it is a viable workaround. Do you have any idea what happens if I have multiple LONG columns. Can I just place them all at the end?[/code]

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 3:12 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:50 pm
Posts: 5130
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Nah, you can use one only. Oracle jdbc driver is a bitch.

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