i thank you very much for all the time you're spending with me, but, reading again all the treead, i don't change my mind also if surely there are several workarounds that can be used
if grouping is allowed only for one entity, i'm expectong an exception before executing the query
what we can see, instead, is that the system has been able to work with all the related entities and the group by verb includes all the relation fields:
calendario0_.idFornitoreRisorsa ,
the system has also been able to retrieve all the fields of the related entities as we can see in the "select" clause:
fornitorer2_.dataCreazione AS dataCrea2_6_1_,
fornitorer2_.dataModifica AS dataModi3_6_1_,
fornitorer2_.utenteCreazione AS utenteCr4_6_1_,
fornitorer2_.utenteModifica AS utenteMo5_6_1_,
fornitorer2_.cognome AS cognome6_6_1_,
fornitorer2_.idFornitore AS idForni10_6_1_,
fornitorer2_.login AS login7_6_1_,
fornitorer2_.nome AS nome8_6_1_,
fornitorer2_.note AS note9_6_1_,
fornitorer2_.idReferente AS idRefer11_6_1_,
fornitoret3_.dataCreazione AS dataCrea2_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.dataModifica AS dataModi3_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.utenteCreazione AS utenteCr4_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.utenteModifica AS utenteMo5_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.idAliquotaIva AS idAliqu13_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.assegnabile AS assegnab6_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.idFornitore AS idForni14_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.nome AS nome7_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.note AS note8_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.quantitaMassima AS quantita9_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.quantitaMinima AS quantit10_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.righeGiornaliere AS righeGi11_7_2_,
fornitoret3_.tipoTariffa AS tipoTar12_7_2_
and this works on mySQL because theese columns are part of jined tables and specifing them in the group by is useless
BUT mssql doesn't agree with this because it needs a strict syntax
SO having i specified to use a mssql dialect, that's why i call it BUG