Thanks for the reply, but I need more information. I might be able to get the integration test you refer to working, but I have to integrate the required references into my pom and features files.
When I just put the reference to the "hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features" artifact into my features.xml file, it failed with:
Could not find artifact org.hibernate:hibernate-validator-osgi-karaf-features:jar:5.4.1.Final in central (
But I guess that shouldn't be that surprising, as that artifact is a POM artifact, not a JAR artifact. Is there some way to reference a POM artifact in a features.xml file?
Here is my current features.xml file excerpt:
<bundle start-level="100">wrap:mvn:javax.validation/validation-api/1.1.0.Final$Bundle-Name=javax.validation&Bundle-SymbolicName=javax.validation&Bundle-Version=1.1.0.Final</bundle>