Actually the `SQLServerDialect` class used by Hibernate uses the same "scope_identity()" too.
The reason why it's not working is because you need to execute those in the same statement or stored procedure.
If you execute the scope_identity() call in a separate statement, SQL Server will not be able to give you last inserted identity value.
You cannot do it with the `SQLQuery`, even Hibernate uses JDBC to accomplish this task. I wrote a
test on GitHub to emulate it.
The code looks like this:
Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
final AtomicLong resultHolder = new AtomicLong();
session.doWork(connection -> {
try(PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO post VALUES (?) select scope_identity() ") ) {
statement.setString(1, "abc");
if ( !statement.execute() ) {
while ( !statement.getMoreResults() && statement.getUpdateCount() != -1 ) {
// do nothing until we hit the resultset
try (ResultSet rs = statement.getResultSet()) {
if( {
The code uses Java 8 lambdas instead of anonymous classes, but you can easily port it to Java 1.7 too.