When using Hibernate with the latest version, or any of the past ten versions, of the PostgreSQL JDBC driver version an "Unexpected error trying to gauge level of JDBC REF_CURSOR support : null" error occurs when starting up my application. The error is only viewable after setting the Hibernate log level to "DEBUG" which causes me to think it could be a Hibernate issue.
It causes my application to hang when starting up for anywhere between eighty to three hundred seconds. After startup everything works fine. I am using the following driver version:
(Gradle Dependency style) 'org.postgresql:postgresql:9.3-1102-jdbc41'
My application is a Spring Boot application and the hanging happens upon starting that application.
I saw the error after turning on Hibernate logging. The full log is at the following paste.
Does this sort of an error seem like an issue with the Hibernate or the JDBC driver?