When trying to convert our application from Jpa 2.0/Hib 4.2.x to Jpa 2.1/Hib 4.3.x we were confronted with the showstopper https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-8839
Lennart Jörelid rightly commented there:
'This issue is actually rather important to make serious JPA-aware applications work.'
The reporter of the bug, Luca Masini, also reported it as 'major'. He talks about a regression, which seems to imply that someone was already able to solve it in the past.
That's why I'm surprised that it wasn't tackled between 4.3.0 and 4.3.6. As there are no workarounds mentioned in HHH-8839, people might get tempted to switch to eclipselink.