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 Post subject: Query Timeout not working
PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:30 am 

Joined: Mon May 17, 2010 10:24 am
Posts: 5
I currently cannot get the hibernate query timeout to work. Also once it is working (hopefully) I'm not sure which exception to catch to differentiate between a real database exception vs the timeout. We have a requirement to time out and instruct user to refine their search. Since this is a configurable timeout and different for different pages we cannot use the container's datasource settings as those would effect entire app. Env and code is below, any help is greatly appreciated.

Hibernate 3.x
Websphere 7.x
Java 6
Oracle 10g

List<Object[]> resultSet = null;
Session session = null;
try {
session = getSession();
Query sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(argQuery);
resultSet = sqlQuery.list();
}catch(DataAccessResourceFailureException dae){
String errMsg = "Problem running query: " + argQuery
+ "\nerror=" + dae.getMessage();
LOGGER.error(errMsg, dae);
throw new OBSServiceException(errMsg, dae);
}catch(IllegalStateException ie){
String errMsg = "Problem running query: " + argQuery
+ "\nerror=" + ie.getMessage();
LOGGER.error(errMsg, ie);
throw new OBSServiceException(errMsg, ie);
}catch(HibernateException he){
//TODO how do we tell if its a timeout exception
// throw OBSQueryTimeoutException()
String errMsg = "Problem running query: " + argQuery
+ "\nerror=" + he.getMessage();
LOGGER.error(errMsg, he);
throw new OBSServiceException(errMsg, he);
if(session != null)

 Post subject: Re: Query Timeout not working
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 6:49 am 

Joined: Wed May 21, 2014 6:46 am
Posts: 1
Dears, same problem for me also, can u pelase provide some solution

Thx for the help

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