Hi, what kind of caching are you worried about?
The so called "1st level cache" aka the Session itself is by definition consistent with the transactional context so there is no trouble there even in clustered configurations. Nothing to worry about for this one.
The second level cache needs to be activated explicitly - because as you say without being aware of how it works it could cause trouble either with stored procedures/triggers or other external changes, or even "external changes" as other JBoss instances running in different machines.
In no case there are "untold problems", I think the documentation and all literature are quite clear about the limitations and configuration levers to activate.
Specifically for JBoss instances, IF you need 2nd level caching you will want to setup JBoss clustering: that will also setup cache coherence protocols across nodes. Assuming you're running JBoss AS7 or EAP 6, the caching technology will be Infinispan, using JGroups as a communication transport. Just to warn you where to look for docs: JGroups requires specific configuration for EC2 because of the limitations in multicast networking on that environment.
For sake of simplicity I would advise to see if you're all set without using 2nd level cache: nothing to setup and nothing to worry about.
_________________ Sanne http://in.relation.to/