Hi the team,
I'm facing a problem which cannot find its solution.
I have a query which must contain a big set of values, greater than 100.
With Java and Hibernate, if i want to filter my value, i have to do :
criteria.add(Restrictions.in(criteriaName, listOfValues);
But i get the error code ORA-01795 "maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000".
That's why i would like to make sub queries using the following code:
int maxValues = 1;
int nbValues = listOfValues.size();
// Determine the number of sub lists to be created.
int nbCriteria = (int) (nbValues / maxValues);
nbCriteria = (nbCriteria * maxValues == nbValues) ? nbCriteria : nbCriteria + 1;
// Create the sub lists related to the criteria.
int startIndex = 0, stopIndex = startIndex + maxValues;
for (int i = 0; i < nbCriteria; i++) {
if (stopIndex > nbValues) {
stopIndex = nbValues;
if (i == 0) {
criteria.add(Restrictions.in(criteriaName, listOfValues.subList(startIndex, stopIndex)));
} else {
criteria.add(Restrictions.or(Restrictions.in(criteriaName, listOfValues.subList(startIndex, stopIndex))));
startIndex += maxValues;
stopIndex += maxValues;
Normally Hibernate should generate a query like :
...where criteriaName in (val1, ..., val100) OR criteriaName in (val101, ..., val200) ...)
But Hibernate replaces the key word OR by AND. And i got:
...where criteriaName in (val1, ..., val100) AND criteriaName in (val101, ..., val200) ...)
Can you please help me to find a solution ?