I can find no reference to this but as far as I can tell, the logging specific "ProxyWarnLog" which Steve Ebersole added for https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-1367 is no longer available in Hibernate 4.
Can someone please confirm that this is the case or else, is there some other way to turn off the specific log message below which I've missed?
Context:This is a golden-oldie. If Hibernate needs to narrow a proxy it outputs a warning in the log along the lines of:
Narrowing proxy to class com.YourClassHere - this operation breaks ==However since most people aren't comparing persistent objects with pointer equality, most people don't care. So Steve Ebersole (back in 2006) added the ability to turn off just that log message instead of suppressing everything below error in StatefulPersistenceContext. And everyone's been happily suppressing that logging ever since.
However in Hibernate 4, not only has StatefulPersistenceContext been moved into org.hibernate.engine.
internal (from org.hibernate.engine) but the ProxyWarnLog seems to have been removed entirely.
So you now need something like this to remove the log entries:
<logger category="org.hibernate.engine.internal.StatefulPersistenceContext">
<level name="ERROR"/>