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 Post subject: Problem with Criteria 'or' when used with 'in'
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:11 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:55 pm
Posts: 1

I am having a issue with criteria 'or' condition when I use 'in' condition as one of its parameters. I am not getting correct results
For example I have two tables

Account with many columns like {
AccountType accountType

AccountType table {

I have some test data like

id account_name account_number account_type_id
1 Google GOO01 1
2 Amazon AMZ02 2
3 ebay eby03 null

accountType table data

id account_type_name
1 Analyst
2 Customer

now if I create a query like

accouname eq = ebay 'or' account_type in(Analys, customer)

I am only getting Google and Amazon but according to my query I should get ebay as well, but I am not getting the desired result.

Now if I change account_type value to some value like 'vendor'.

Now with the same above query I am getting correct results. I am facing a problem when ever account_type is 'null'

Can anyone tell me what's going on here. How can I get the correct results for that query

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