Not sure if you're looking to call stored procedures via @SqlInsert/@SqlUpdate/@SqlDelete, but I was and found that the simplest solution was to implement a wrapper as a stored procedure which contained only IN params which were in turn passed to the target procedure. In my situation, I had some OUT error params which I examined to determine if I got an error, and if so, raise a signal (syntax may vary) so that the driver throws an exception which you can then catch. I subclassed the dialect (ie. Db2400Dialect) and overrode the buildSQLExceptionConversionDelegate method by copying the SQLExceptionConversionDelegate and added a check like so:
public class DB2400Dialect extends org.hibernate.dialect.DB2400Dialect {
public SQLExceptionConversionDelegate buildSQLExceptionConversionDelegate() {
return new SQLExceptionConversionDelegate() {
public JDBCException convert(SQLException sqlException, String message, String sql) {
if (-438 == errorCode && "V0000".equals(sqlState)) {
throw new DataAccessException(...);
return null;
So, depending on which rdbms you are using, just search for a way to cause the driver to throw an exception and pass a custom SqlState value (5 characters). Hope this helps. Good luck!