I'm quite new to Hibernate and not sure for what I have to look for...
I created some Entity-Objects which fetch the data of my desire from the database (MSSQL 2012). There are ~100 rows of "mixed materials" which refer with an String-Foreign-Key to the Article-View which has about 20.000 rows.
I don't want to persist this article view (I don't want and I can't change anything there anyway), also it's too much I guess, it's enough just to fill the "fewer" mixed-material objects.
So in SQL I'd do it like this:
SELECT MM_ID, FK_ArtNr, Information, Articles.Price, Articles.Name, Articles.Series
FROM MixedMaterials
inner join Articles
on FK_ArtNr=ArtNr
What is the best solution?
Thank you!! :)