Hi, I'm using hibernate version 4.2.1.Final with oracle10g, I have upgraded to this version because of ORA-24816 error with @Lob fields.
I see there is a fix for this error in here
However, this fix applies only with the entities, if this is audited entity and have audited lob field, When I update that entity hibernate sorts the update property as expected(lob field at the end), but a record is being inserted to the audit table with wrong properties sorting.
Example: insert into entity (columnA, columnB, columnC ,...., columnWITHCLOB) // here clob is at the end as expected, but here: insert into audited_entity (columna, columnWITHCLOB, columnb, columnc,....) // why clob field is not at the end?
I get ORA-24816 error here.
Any fix for that ?