Hey, I have got 4 classes: Village, City, Street, House
Each village has a List of Streets private List< Street > streets = new ArrayList< Street >();
Each city has a List of Streets private List< Street > streets = new ArrayList< Street >();
And each Street has a single house private House house;
Now I want to find all Villages, that contain houses that are also contained in a specific City (lets say the city with id=1) and sort the result set of Villages by the amount of matching houses. (Find the Villages best fitting [sharing the same houses] to a City)
I wrote the following HQL-Query but it always delivers a result set of size 1 :/ What is wrong ?
SELECT DISTINCT vil from Village as vil left join vil.streets as vilstreets, City as c left join c.streets as cstreets where c.id = 1 AND vilstreets.house member of cstreets.house order by count(vilstreets.house)";