Hi, I recently updated from ancient 3.6 to 4.1.9.Final and entity updates are not indexed from now on. Newly created entity gets indexed as well as entity purge. I'm using Hibernate in JSE, database is PostgreSQL via JDBC, no framework around, nothing fancy. Also, no error is logged anywhere, on Level.ALL. I can see messages from Search when persisting new instance of entity, after purge but not when I getReference() it, change values of fields and commit the transaction. Even calling persist() on entity explicitly does not change anything.
Edit: I found a workaround, hibernate.search.enable_dirty_check=false seems to fix the issue. Is there any documentation anywhere on what is exactly being done when this property is true (or default)? I do have a few getters with @Field annotation that are actually returning other data than what "corresponding" members have - and those methods are not even called!