I'm using Hibernate Search 3.4 and I've changed our system to use the massindexer to rebuild an index. There are about 750,000 records for this, and when I run the indexer with the following parameters:
fullTextSession .createIndexer(c) .batchSizeToLoadObjects( 50 ) .cacheMode( CacheMode.IGNORE ) .threadsToLoadObjects( 30 ) .threadsForSubsequentFetching( 20 ) .start();
it runs fine for about the first 200,000 records.
I'm watching the progress on the MBeans, and I can see that the LoadedEntitiesCount goes up by around 10k per second, and the DocumentsAddedCount runs a few thousand behind, but keeping up.
After about 200k records however, it slows down dramatically, with the LoadedEntitesCount reducing to about 100 per second, and the DocumentsAddedCount runs almost level with it, suggesting the indexing isn't the problem.
I can see all 30 entityLoader threads are running, but not sure what causes the huge slow down? It's possible it's the database but whilst the CPU is at 100% usage, it's roughly 75% Java and 25% SQL Server, so I don't _think_ that's the problem.
Any ideas?
thanks Pete