I am using the new experimental feature annotation @Tikabridge.
I have an entity (parent) which can contains multiple childs. These childs are annotated in the parent entity with @IndexedEmbedded.
Also, the childs contains a String reference to a file, annotated with : @Column(name="DOC_PATH"),@Field and @TikaBridge. The reference to the parent is annotated with @ContainedIn.
When I index the parent entities (and the embedded childs), it works fine and I can search Lucene with Luke and find the indexed documents. Although, when I try to search the parent entity with search it throws an exception. here is my code :
Query parentQuery= IInQB.keyword(). onField("reference"). andField("childs.docPath"). andField("numero"). matching(s.toLowerCase()).createQuery();
The execution throws this exception : "org.hibernate.search.SearchException: FieldBridge class org.hibernate.search.bridge.builtin.TikaBridge does not have a objectToString method: field childs.docPath in Parent
How can I solve this problem?