hardy.ferentschik wrote:
filtering is the right idea. You would use a query filter as described here - http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/search/reference/en-US/html_single/#query-filter.
The result size will be the result size of the filtered results.
Hi Hardy,
Thanks for the reply. I have just finished a workaround which is probably a better solution for my data. I have got hierarchical data and I'm using hierarchical sets (I can't remember the proper term :) ) in which I store a left and right value against each node. For our solution we want to be able to search down a branch of the tree (depending on where the user is logged in), so I used a range query + boolean junction.
I was having trouble getting the range query working until I added @NumericField to the field in question. I didn't realise it was needed.
Thanks for the answer, I'm sure I'll need to use the query filter in the future.
All the best,