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 Post subject: JPA-32: Setting cacheable="true" in orm.xml does not enable
PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:48 am 

Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:00 am
Posts: 5
Test Case for defining JPA caching

When selective caching and second level cache is enabled through the JPA persistence.xml configuration file, entites that are defined in orm.xml with cacheable="true" attribute are not cached in the second level cache.

Entities that are annotated @Cacheable(true) are cached correctly

This test case test the following 4 scenarios

Entity is annotated with @Cacheable(true)
Entity is defined as cacheable in orm.xml
Entity is defined as cacheable with hibernate.ejb.classcache in persistence.xml
Entity has not been defined as cacheable and therefore should not be cached

For each test

A new customer is created and persisted through JPA.
A JDBC call is made to update CUST_CREDIT value directly to database by picking a connection from connection pool and executing a SQL statement
The customer entity is retrieved through JPA by finding on PK
The customer availableCredit property of the retrieved object is compared to the CUST_CREDIT value set in step 2
If availableCredit==CUST_CREDIT, the entity has not been cached. if availableCredit!=CUST_CREDIT, the entity has not been cached.

Expected Results

a) Annotated Entity cached==true
b) XML Entity cached==true
c) Hibernate defined Entity cached==true
d) Not cached Entity cached==false

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