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 Post subject: Migrated from 3.x to 4.x, want to keep java.util.logging
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:16 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:29 am
Posts: 29
It seems Hibernate uses this jboss logging framework that I've no experience in at all. I've run Hibernate 3.x for a long time with java.util.logging set up and all logging levels controlled via the logging.properties specified on the jvm command line:

Now, switching to Hibernate 4.1.4, lots of ugly logging is spewing to either stdout or stderr. I'm getting very confused trying to understand what JBoss Logging is, how it relates to log4j, and what to do to configure it. The Hibernate docs and migration guide don't seem to offer tips for maintaining logging behaviour, and googling about jboss logging isn't turning up anything useful.

How can I make Hibernate's logging output go to a j.u.l appender? Do I need a jboss logging configuration file, and if so, what should it contain?

I've run into http://docs.jboss.org/process-guide/en/ ... gging.html which talks about configuring log4j .. I thought JBoss Logging is a completely different solution to log4j, correct? So these jboss documentation pages about log4j are irrelevant to this problem, right?

I also have slf4j in my project, used by various libraries. I'd be happy with redirecting jboss logging to slf4j, if that's the only soluting, as I'm already using the java.util.logging backend to slf4j. This sounds inefficient, however, as the data would be passing through yet another intermediary library.. it seems best if the logging can be directed straight to j.u.l.

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