Hi pb00067 and thank you for your answer. Sorry to answer so late
I meant HQL query
I succeeded in reproducing the same behavior on another query
The complete query QUERY1 is
query = "SELECT a " +
"FROM eu.eclinica.cdisc.odm.ODMAnnotation a " +
(a.subjectData.clinicalData.study.oID = 1069 and a.seqNum = 1) or (a.studyEventData.subjectData.clinicalData.study.oID = 1069 and a.seqNum = 1))"
it gives me 0 result
The query QUERY2 with the first subQuery is
query = "SELECT a " +
"FROM eu.eclinica.cdisc.odm.ODMAnnotation a " +
(a.subjectData.clinicalData.study.oID = 1069 and a.seqNum = 1) "
it gives me 1 result Result1
The query QUERY3 with the second subQuery is
query = "SELECT a " +
"FROM eu.eclinica.cdisc.odm.ODMAnnotation a " +
(a.studyEventData.subjectData.clinicalData.study.oID = 1069 and a.seqNum = 1))"
it gives me 1 other result Result2
I remind you that the problem is that the first query QUERY1 should give me 2 results (the result of QUERY2 PLUS the result of QUERY3) as there is a OR clause
I debuged the real request made on the database
2012-03-08 14:11:37 SQL [DEBUG] select odmannotat0_.oID as oID7_, odmannotat0_.ID as ID7_, odmannotat0_.COMMENTID as COMMENTID7_, odmannotat0_.ANNOTATION_CREDT as ANNOTATION3_7_, odmannotat0_.ANNOTATION_DUEDT as ANNOTATION4_7_, odmannotat0_.FORMDATAID as FORMDATAID7_, odmannotat0_.ITEMDATAID as ITEMDATAID7_, odmannotat0_.ITEMGROUPDATAID as ITEMGRO10_7_, odmannotat0_.SEQNUM as SEQNUM7_, odmannotat0_.EVENTDATAID as EVENTDA11_7_, odmannotat0_.SUBJECTDATAID as SUBJECT12_7_, odmannotat0_.TRANSACTIONTYPE as TRANSACT6_7_ from Annotation odmannotat0_, SubjectData odmsubject1_, ClinicalData odmclinica2_, StudyEventData odmstudyev3_, SubjectData odmsubject4_, ClinicalData odmclinica5_ where odmannotat0_.SUBJECTDATAID=odmsubject1_.oID and odmsubject1_.CLINICALDATAID=odmclinica2_.oID and odmannotat0_.EVENTDATAID=odmstudyev3_.oID and odmstudyev3_.SUBJECTDATAID=odmsubject4_.oID and odmsubject4_.CLINICALDATAID=odmclinica5_.oID and (odmclinica2_.STUDYID=? and odmannotat0_.SEQNUM=1 or odmclinica5_.STUDYID=? and odmannotat0_.SEQNUM=1)
To summarize, the request made on the database is the following (I use there my proper coding)
query = "SELECT a " +
"FROM eu.eclinica.cdisc.odm.ODMAnnotation a " +
a.subjectData.clinicalData c1 AND
a.studyEventData.subjectData.clinicalData c2 and (c1.study.oID = 1069 and a.seqNum = 1
or c2.study.oID = 1069 and a.seqNum = 1)"
I really don't see why the first part is "
a.subjectData.clinicalData c1 AND a.studyEventData.subjectData.clinicalData c2"
as these two clause should be used with an "
OR". Obviously, seeing the request that is sent to the database it is normal that there is no Results
So how should I implement QUERY1 ?