Hibernate appears to be trying to do a join on the two tables, but not getting any results back (I have checked, the owner_id column in incidentitems tables does contain relevant data for the incident I'm trying to retrieve).
Hibernate: select incident0_.OID as col_0_0_ from INCIDENTS incident0_ where OID='15112' Hibernate: select incident0_.OID as OID20_1_, incident0_.NAME as NAME20_1_, incident0_.PRIORITY as PRIORITY20_1_, incident0_.SHORTCUT as SHORTCUT20_1_, incidentit1_.OWNER_OID as OWNER3_20_3_, incidentit1_.OID as OID3_, incidentit1_.OID as OID14_0_, incidentit1_.IDTAG as IDTAG14_0_, incidentit1_.OWNER_OID as OWNER3_14_0_ from INCIDENTS incident0_ left outer join INCIDENTITEMS incidentit1_ on incident0_.OID=incidentit1_.OWNER_OID where incident0_.OID=?
Running the above query via SQL tool returns 3 rows (as expected) but that data isn't getting into the java collection.