Hi, I have a Problem with specific search terms.
If I search for the letter a,A, or a*,A*, i get this Exception :
exception [org.hibernate.search.SearchException: Try to search with an empty string
Does anyone know why this Problem happens ?
If I search for b,c,d and so on, I don't get any exception, only with a.
EDIT : Ah ok it seems that this Problem above only rises with this Analyzer :
@AnalyzerDef(name="customanalyzer", tokenizer = @TokenizerDef(factory = StandardTokenizerFactory.class), filters = {
@TokenFilterDef(factory = LowerCaseFilterFactory.class),
@TokenFilterDef(factory = NGramFilterFactory.class, params = {
@Parameter(name = "minGramSize", value = "3"),
@Parameter(name = "maxGramSize", value = "3")
@TokenFilterDef(factory = SnowballPorterFilterFactory.class, params = {
@Parameter(name = "language", value = "German")})
With this not :
@AnalyzerDef(name="customanalyzer", tokenizer = @TokenizerDef(factory = StandardTokenizerFactory.class))
And another Problem I have that there are no results when I search for "ab*" but there is Text in the index with "abc", "abd" and so on.
Do I have to use a Analyzer to make wildcard querys work ?
My setup for hibernate-search is here:
https://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1012245EDIT_2 : Ok forgot the .wildcard() in the query, but why can't I search after .wildcard() for more than one field ?