Thanks for your suggestions!
I was kind of hoping that being the suggested validation api for EE, that it would support all use cases.
To me it would have made more sense passing the complete constraint validation info into the context of the message interpolator.
And then the responsibility of the message interpolator would be to set the message property.
I was trying to stick with standard apis and not go off the beaten track with proprietary framework code.
I also did not want to override both the validator and message areas to get it working in the standard api. (might reconsider later)
I realize that the typical usage will be to bind onto UI controls which already should have a label resource, so i might need to review my usage.
i will probably do one of the following for now, until i am sure my use case is correct:
@NotEmpty(message="Mobile Number cannot be empty")
@NotEmpty(message="{com.example.validation.msisdn.NotEmpty") // to support locale