You are right, but this is not causing the problem I'm aiming.
I found this in the source code:
private Query createSelectionGroupQuery(FacetSelectionImpl selection) {
BooleanQuery orQuery = new BooleanQuery();
for ( Facet facet : selection.getFacetList() ) {
orQuery.add( facet.getFacetQuery(), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD );
return orQuery;
Restricting the results using multiple facets on the same faceting group will thus filter by OR-ing the facets. Is it an idea to have an option for faceting groups to set the default behaviour wrt combining facets?
Some use cases:
When searching for publications, I want the publications where both 'Kim' and 'John' are author
When searching for recipes, I want dishes with both 'tomatoes' and 'eggs'.
And because the faceting implementation uses filtering, the intended publications/dishes with both constraints will not be ranked higher than publications/dishes with only one contraint.