Thanks r.
r wrote:
Using JPA API only will make your application implementation independent. You will be able to change JPA provider in case Hibernate will frustrate you.
That is an advantage for JPA. Does native Hibernate offer extra functionality? Any power feature? Increased performance? Or do both native Hibernate and JPA just map each other?
r wrote:
Spring container is obsolete and heavy :)
Could you recommend an alternative to Spring container? I require simple web container: no application server, no EJBs, no JEE container, no extra and heavy add-ons i will never use.
Could you also recommend an alternative for managing transactions? I like the way Spring isolates my application for the underlying environment, actually I understand that using Spring I can manage transaction pretty much the way JTA does but having it outside the application server and without using JNDI. Maybe native Hibernate transaction handling?
Thanks again.