I have attempted to use an HQL query with named parameters. The query is quite complicated, something like this
v.VariableId as VariableId,
vv.VariableValueId as VariableValueId,
when vv.VariableValueId is not null then
when vst.ValueSourceTypeId = :autoLoad then vv.Value
else null
else null
end as Formula
when vv.VariableValueId is not null then
when vv.Value is null then v.SimulationValue
when vst.ValueSourceTypeId = :autoLoad then null
else vv.Value
when v.IsFormulaBased = 0 then v.SimulationValue
else null
end as Value,
when (vv.VariableValueId is not null and vst.ValueSourceTypeId = :autoLoad) or (vv.VariableValueId is null and v.IsFormulaBased = 1) then
end as EvaluationStatus
from Variable v
left join v.Formula f
left join v.VariableValues vv with vv.Organization.OrganizationId = :organizationId and vv.TimePeriod.TimePeriodId = :timePeriodId
left join vv.ValueSourceType vst
left join vv.CurrentOverride ov
where v.Frequency.FrequencyId = (select tp.Frequency.FrequencyId from TimePeriod tp where tp.TimePeriodId = :timePeriodId)
I set the parameters using SetParameter calls.
When the query gets translated to sql and executed, the parameters are completely f****d up. I attempted to debug and I noticed that the query gets translated to a form that uses the jdbc syntax with question marks as parameter placeholders but I didn't have time to dig deeper and see exactly where things get screwed up.
Please note that some parameters are used multiple times. Is that allowed? I even tried to have unique parameters names but, still, the parameter values were not assigned correctly.
Did anyone come across this problem? To me this is a major bug and I am very surprised by this behavior. Unless I am missing something obvious - maybe a setting somewhere.
Please note that the hql query is built in c# code and I ended up using the good old String.Format. I didn't attempt to use named queries.
PS. I am using version 3.1.0.