1. Can Lucene index documents in the above languages?
Yes, you could index them all in the same way using a StandardAnalyzer (not sure about Japanese) or you could use some of the additional libraries in Lucene which do language-spcialized analysis. The Snowball project is considered very good at this, and I believe it supports all languages you listed. You don't need to use snowball for all of them; you can pick the analyzer of your choice or write your own for each one.
2. How can Hibernate Search be used to index a document in all these languages? ---> An example with code for any two languages will be very helpful
Simple solution: use the same strategy for all documents.
Better solution: you'll need to pick the proper analyzer to be used for each entity instance;
example is in the docs:
3. During Manual Indexing, how can Hibernate Search be configured/coded to ensure that the same document has different indexes based on different language, or rather during indexing process can Hibernate index the document in all the languages? How?
Have a look also to Index sharding: you can define a strategy to keep each language in it's own index. during search, you'll transparently search across all indexes, or you can use a custom filter as explained here:
http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/search/reference/en-US/html_single/#query-filter-shardthis filter will have the capability to "pick" the appropriate index according to the filter parameter (i.e. to implement something like "search for documents about hibernate in the dutch language" )
4. During query time, how do we determine which index to use, (given that during query time, the language is known and passed as a parameter to the DAO) ?
as above ;)
let me know if you need more pointers; when you'll have it working, blog about it! many people ask about this so it would be nice to find your instructions.