hey guys,
I have this scenario:
Object A { Set<Object B> bSet; } A and B is bidirectional one-to-many Object B { Object c; setC(Object c) {} } B and C is unidirectional many-to-one Object C { String name; }
I changed the property [name] value from 'tom' to 'jack' of object c and called the setter of setC(){} of object B; then, called A.getBSet().add(c), and save object A. Here is problem, after invoking the save method for object A, I try to use AbstractPersistentCollection.getStoredSnapshot() to get the snapshot of bSet, and get object c to see what is the previous value and what is the new value, but I always get the saved value, I just can't get the previous value. Any idea about this?
Thanks a lot.