I believe nordborg is on the right track with the issue.
I tested out this theory. I created a sentence like this in Microsoft Word (2007):
"Here's a line of text. It's got a few things in it to make it act super-crazy when I post."
I copied and pasted this into the website. Throughout all of the webpages that display this text, the text was displayed appropriately. However, when I posted the data to the database the apostrophes where converted into the upside down question marks.
I then copied and pasted the line of text from Microsoft Word to UltraEdit (text editor). Then I copied the text from UltraEdit and pasted into the website. Again, all of the web pages displayed the text correctly. This time when I posted the text to the database, the text also SAVED CORRECTLY.
I think this is a good confirmation that there is something going on with the character encoding. The plan is to re-encode the text before it gets posted to the database. This should resolve the issue. I'll try to remember to post back on here with the results. If I don't get back you can probably assume that it worked.
Thank you for your help and suggestions