We recently upgraded to 3.3 and noticed that our field queries
http://lucene.apache.org/java/3_0_2/queryparsersyntax.html#Fields stopped working. This used to work in previous version. We use keyword search on multiple fields, do we need to change anything there?
luceneQuery = testQB.bool().should(testQB.keyword().onField("tc.name").boostedTo((float) 2).matching(words).createQuery())
.should(testQB.keyword().onField("tc.description").boostedTo((float) 1).matching(words).createQuery())
.should(testQB.keyword().onField("tc.comments").boostedTo((float) 2).matching(words).createQuery())
Search actually works fine but doesnt limit the result to that particular field (which it used to).
e.g. searching for xyz and tc.name:xyz will yield same result (in other word, it will match xyz in tc.comments and tc.description ignoring the specified field).
Some obvious we are missing?