s.grinovero wrote:
About Maven, sorry I'm not implying you have to use it, just that when the "human language" is not clear enough or seems wrong, looking into the sourcecode's pom.xml the dependencies are clearly identified
Er... since I know next to nothing about Maven, those pom.xmls could as well be written in Greek.
E.g. just from looking at those xmls, I still don't know where to look the referenced files up, nor which of these files are referenced in what capacity, or how to identify the relevant version.
Just give us a break and have a script extract the pom.xml into some standardized language that lists the various files. If the pom.xml is easy to read, the script should be easy to do; if the pom.xml is hard to read, then don't expect us Maven non-experts to correctly interpret the pom.xml :-)
s.grinovero wrote:
also it's pretty easy to automatically fetch dependencies via other non-Maven build tools: both ANT/IVY and Gradle (other quite common build tools) know how to handle Maven artifacts.
Okaaay... now my problem is: I'm barely familiar enough with Ant to set that up, and I know too little about Maven to make sure that it is even doing the Right Thing.
So: is there a page that explains the process?
Even better: would it be possible to place a link to such a page on any page that refers to a Maven pom.xml?
As things are today, it's really hard to get "into" the Hibernate ecosystem.
Of course, I guess things would be easier if one simply started with the JBoss suite, but then switching a team from another IDE setup (even an Eclipse-based one) to JBoss would require quite a lot of time that many projects simply can't afford. Not for experimenting with Hibernate anyway.