I had real fun getting the metamodel generator, eclipse, and maven to coordinate on this. Here is what you need to do when using m2eclipse:
Add the following to your POM file:
Notice that I am generating sources to the directory src/generated/java. You don't want even generated source code to go to target. Only the compiled classes should go to target.
Open the project properties in eclipse. Go to Java Compiler/Annotation Processing
Enable annotation processing and set the generated source directory to src/generated/java.
Under factory path, you will need to reference the metamodel jar and any dependencies.
As far as I can tell, there is no way to get maven to generate this configuration.
Now, right click on the project and select Maven/Update Project Configuration. This should add a new source directory to you your project called generated/java. You should see your metamodel there.
You do not want to use your main/java directory as the target of the metamodel generator as it will delete all of your source files!
Ted Young