Hi All, I have a DAO method written to fetch a list of records based on certain search criteria's. The table mapped to the entity has lot of records and also keeps growing at a faster rate. I use the below method to get all the records satisfying some basic search criterias and show their property values in a 'pdf' or 'excel' . The method is,
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<EntityAuditRecord> fetchEntityAuditRecords(Map<String, Object> searchCriteria) {
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(EntityAuditRecord.class); Boolean flag = Boolean.FALSE;
if ((searchCriteria != null) && !(searchCriteria.isEmpty())) {
if (searchCriteria.containsKey("userId")) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("userId", searchCriteria.get("userId"))); flag = Boolean.TRUE; }
if (searchCriteria.containsKey("eventTypeCode")) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("eventTypeCode", searchCriteria.get("eventTypeCode"))); flag = Boolean.TRUE; }
if (searchCriteria.containsKey("outcomeCode")) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("outcomeCode", searchCriteria.get("outcomeCode"))); flag = Boolean.TRUE; }
if (searchCriteria.containsKey("applicationName")) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("applicationName", searchCriteria.get("applicationName"))); flag = Boolean.TRUE; }
if (searchCriteria.containsKey("beginDate")) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.ge("auditDate", searchCriteria.get("beginDate"))); flag = Boolean.TRUE; }
if (searchCriteria.containsKey("endDate")) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.le("auditDate", searchCriteria.get("endDate"))); flag = Boolean.TRUE; }
if (searchCriteria.containsKey("orgId")) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("orgId", searchCriteria.get("orgId"))); flag = Boolean.TRUE; }
if (searchCriteria.containsKey("action")) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("action", (String) searchCriteria.get("action"), MatchMode.ANYWHERE)); flag = Boolean.TRUE; }
if (searchCriteria.containsKey("roleId")) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("roleId", searchCriteria.get("roleId"))); flag = Boolean.TRUE; }
if (flag) { return criteria.list(); } else { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; }
I get java heap space out of memory error due to the large volume of data being fetched, and which is understandable. I had a look at the scrollable result set option but I am not sure whether that would help my cause because the 'pdf' creation code is at a servlet level and it does have access to a hibernate session to clear/flush the session cache after processig a few records instead of me getting all the records in a list and sending it to the 'pdf' creation class.We use 'OpenSessionInViewInterceptor' to deal with the session creation/closing process and this code does not have access to the hibernate session . I might be wrong. Any hint would be helpful?
this is what we have configured, <bean id="openSessionInViewInterceptor" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.OpenSessionInViewInterceptor"> <property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory" /> <property name="singleSession" value="true" /> <property name="flushModeName" value="FLUSH_AUTO" /> </bean>
regards Aravias