What does the hibernate team recommends to use? EntityManager approach with JPA or Session with "Core" Hibernate?
About mappings: Does the XML mapping have any features that the JPA2 annotation mapping (even with the Hibernate Annotations too) does not?
About Criteria: Now JPA2 have the famous Criteria Queries, it's pretty damn ugly (almost a worldwide fact), Hibernate have the old and good looking Criteria. My question is: what's about the Hibernate's Criteria future? Is it "deprecated"? is it better or worse than the JPA2 verbose/robust one? I think that Gavin King himself said that JPA2 criteria is better and should be used instead hibernate criteria. So I ask again, is it deprecated and now from on we should stick with the JPA2 criteria?
What do you guys recommend? I'm using Hibernate anyways, I just want to know what approach is a better one, or if there are any particular scenarios that one is better than another. (Hibernate 3.5.x)