How do I use a custom UserType as the elements of a collection? The following did not work:
<hibernate-mapping package='org.pcj.scrubj.model'>
<class name='User' table='Users' dynamic-insert='true' dynamic-update='true' optimistic-lock='version'>
<id name='Id' column='ID'>
<generator class='native'/>
<natural-id mutable='false'>
<property name='Pager'/>
<version name='Version'/>
<set name='References' table='User_Ref_set' cascade='save-update'>
<key column='User_ID'/>
<element type="org.pcj.scrubj.types.Ref"/> <!-- implements UserType -->
<property name='Firstname'/>
<property name='Lastname'/>
<property name='Email'/>
<property name='Cell'/>
I've had trouble finding any documentation on this.
Thanks in advance,