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 Post subject: Basic Hibernate question using and StoreProcedure
PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 7:24 pm 

Joined: Sat May 15, 2010 7:20 pm
Posts: 1

Sorry if this is basic but I cannot find the solution anywhere.

I have an java Object ‘Person’ with 3 properties firstname,lastname and username.
I have an Oracle Store procedure returning a Resultset with the 3 column.
All works fine for that
Now I have another StoreProcedure that will only return firstname and lastname but not username.

I get the following error : « could not read column value from result set username...»

Hibernate tries to fetch the username property from the resultset.
If I remove the property username, then it works.

Do I have to Create a Special Pojo for Each type of resultset or can I create a <class> for each result set?

Please help.

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