It appears the current hibernate tutorial fails the Missouri test. Those who are curious, will be turned off because of beginning tutorial that just doesn't seem to work. At least, I haven't gotten it to work. I am sure many have put much work into hibernate, but I am having a tough time just getting "Hello World" working!
In the guide for hibernate-distribution-3.5.0-CR-1, I found what appears to be the following errors. I am familiar with Java and SQL, yet it seems that you already have to know maven to make this work as well. Here are the errors I believe I have thus found in hibernate_reference.pdf.
The pom.xml has the following on page 14.
In addition, the pom.xml wraps the lines, which appear that they should be on two lines.
Yet, the tutorial indicates this on page 16.
Save this file to the src/main/java/org/hibernate/tutorial/domain directory.
Should it not be "src/main/java/org/hibernate/tutorials/domain" with an "s" at the end of tutorial?