Hi, My situation is like I want to have my queries externalized, and at the same time pass bind variable values to them.--> Answer is: SQL Named Queries. That's working fine.
Now the issue is that for three/four/five different criteria and I end up writing those many named SQL Queries in a seperate hbm xml file.
Is there any way as below: Current API code takes:
Query q = session.getNamedQuery("SQL_DBREPORTS_SUMMARY_AUDIT_REPORT"); q.setString("p_startDate", startDate); q.setString("p_endDate", endDate); q.setString("p_srcSystem", srcSystem); return q.list();
Could we not pass some Properties(i.e. Map) ( having Properties.put(k1,v1); Properties.put(k2,v2); Properties.put(k3,v3) etc ) to
Query q = session.getNamedQuery("SQL_DBREPORTS_SUMMARY_AUDIT_REPORT",map); and then I could do Query q = session.getNamedQuery("SQL_DBREPORTS_SUMMARY_AUDIT_REPORT"); q.setString("p_startDate1", startDate1); q.setString("p_endDate1", endDate1); q.setString("p_srcSystem1", "VALUE1"); q.setString("p_startDate2", startDate2); q.setString("p_endDate2", endDate2); q.setString("p_srcSystem2", "VALUE2"); return q.list();
and then later in the
<sql-query name="SQL_DBREPORTS_SUMMARY_AUDIT_REPORT"> <return class="com.xxx.idm.toolkit.object.DBAuditReportRecord"> <return-property name="operation" column="idm_aud_operation"/> <return-property name="count" column="operation_count"/> </return> <![CDATA[
select idm_aud_operation, count(idm_aud_operation) as operation_count from xxdv_idm.xxdv_idm_aud <jython/jruby scripting to prepare dynamic query> if(map.get(k1) == v1){ where (date_created >= trunc(to_date(:p_startDate1,'MM/DD/YYYY')) and date_created <= trunc(nvl2(:p_endDate1, to_date(:p_endDate1,'MM/DD/YYYY'), sysdate)) ) } else if(map.get(k2) == v2) { where (date_created >= trunc(to_date(:p_startDate2,'MM/DD/YYYY')) and date_created <= trunc(nvl2(:p_endDate2, to_date(:p_endDate2,'MM/DD/YYYY'), sysdate)) ) } </jython/jruby> <jython/jruby scripting to prepare dynamic query> if(map.get(k1) == v1){ and IDM_AUD_SOURCE_SYSTEM = nvl(:p_srcSystem1,'UDC1') } else if(map.get(k2) == v2) { and IDM_AUD_SOURCE_SYSTEM = nvl(:p_srcSystem2,'UDC2') <and some more conditions etc> }
group by idm_aud_operation ]]> </sql-query>
This way I would have: 1. only ONE SQL Query to manage 2. Still Externalized 3. Much more dynamic 4. Still Native SQL
I'm not sure if this just my imagination and doesn't make any sense.