I think this is more a question for the Hibernate Search developpers :
I have some lucene filter and custom scoring code from the spatial contrib that creates a HashMap containing a lucene docid with a "search time" calculated value (geographic distance) .
Everything works fine when using lucene alone but when using Hibernate Search for indexing, it seems that the document id's are messed up. I don't get a hold on the lucene index docid anymore but rather on the entity's unique id.
Is hibernate search playing with the lucene index's document id's ?
Here is the code that populates the HashMap of doc ids with their corresponding computed distance.
* Iterates over the set bits in the given BitSet from the given start to end range, calculating the distance of the
* documents and determining which are within the distance radius of the central point.
* @param dataSet LocationDataSet containing the document locations that can be used to calculate the distance each
* document is from the central point
* @param originalBitSet BitSet which has bits set identifying which documents should be checked to see if their
* distance falls within the radius
* @param start Index in the BitSet that the method will start at
* @param end Index in the BitSet that the method will stop at
* @param size Size the the resulting BitSet should be created at (most likely end - start)
* @param reader IndexReader for checking if the document has been deleted
* @return IterationResult containing all the results of the method.
protected IterationResult iterate(LocationDataSet dataSet, BitSet originalBitSet, int start, int end, int size, IndexReader reader) {
BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(size);
try {
throw new Exception();
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Map<Integer, Double> distanceById = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
int docId = originalBitSet.nextSetBit(start);
while (docId != -1 && docId < end) {
System.out.println("iterationresult docid = " + docId);
if (reader.isDeleted(docId)) {
docId = originalBitSet.nextSetBit(docId + 1);
Point point = dataSet.getPoint(docId);
double distance = distanceCalculator.calculate(lat, lng, point.getX(), point.getY(), unit);
if (distance < radius) {
System.out.println("docId + nextOffset" + (docId + nextOffset));
distanceById.put(docId + nextOffset, distance);
docId = originalBitSet.nextSetBit(docId + 1);
return new IterationResult(bitSet, distanceById);
It seems that the doc id is retreived with
int docId = originalBitSet.nextSetBit(start);
When Lucene alone is doing the indexing job I get the actual lucene document id but when Hibernate is doing the indexing job I get the entity's ID.
how can I modify the above code to make sure that the Lucene document id is affected to the docId variable ? I need this because the scoring code that is called later on uses the lucene index ID as a parameter in the customScore(int doc, float subQueryScore, float valSrcScore) method and therefore I can't retreive the values of the HashMap anymore.
I hope I was clear enough ...
Many thanks for helping me ! :)