hey thanks that's very valuable feedback.
1. I'm using the MassIndexer that's in the 3.2 api, however I need for the MassIndexer to be shard aware. e.g. If I only wanted to index/reindex shard n, I need the MassIndexer to only to index the given shard.
that's a nice feature request, it's not currently possible but I'll look into it for next version.
2. How can I have the MassIndexer return Distinct Root Entities? Currently when I use the massindexer, it creates multiple root entities if the entity has an association. As a result I have multiple documents containing the same root entity.
that's a bug I'm looking into
http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HSEARCH-490If you have a testcase, please attach it to the issue, that would be helpfull.
If I'm able to fix it before monday, a new CR will be released including it, otherwise it'll likely be postponed.
3. I currently periodically receive the following exception when running the massindexer.
Exception in thread "Hibernate Search: collectionsloader-6"
org.hibernate.HibernateException: illegally attempted to associate a proxy with to open sessions at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.setSession(AbstractLazyInitializer.java:126) ....
unfortunately that's related to issue above.