And also can u please tell me which version of hibernate-search.jar I have to use, if I use lucene2.9.1.jar.
Unfortunately that's in the works; if you download current trunk you can build it but it's not released software - some risks apply.
Current trunk is fully compatible with Lucene 2.9.x and Solr 1.4
You can still use Search 3.1.x with Lucene 2.9.x, provided you don't apply two filters at once - many changes where applied on filter; it might work but you definitely need to test your filter scenarios - we had to change some things to have our testsuite pass.
Also some analyzers need Solr, and when working with Lucene 2.9 you would need to upgrade to Solr 1.4 - this should work,
was also upgraded in trunk recently and we didn't have to change anything in the codebase, but I would assume it to be of beta quality.
If you're doing some development yet, I'd suggest to migrate to newest 3.2 builds as it contains many nice improvements and some bugfixes too.
If you need to release at production quality very soon, then either avoid using filters and the optional Solr dependency just to make sure, or change your code to Lucene 2.4