Using JBoss EAP AS 5
Named query:
select ge
from GlobalEnumeration ge
where ge.uuid=:uuid
Code to execute the query:
Query q = em.createNamedQuery("getGlobalEnumerationByUuid");
q.setParameter("uuid", uuid);
return q.getUniqueResult();
Generated SQL:
select top ? as id672_, globalenum0_.createdDate as createdD3_672_, globalenum0_.deletedDate as deletedD4_672_, globalenum0_.uuid as uuid672_, globalenum0_.version as version672_, globalenum0_.code as code672_, globalenum0_.longDescription as longDesc8_672_, globalenum0_.shortDescription as shortDes9_672_, globalenum0_.DTYPE as DTYPE672_ from GlobalEnumeration globalenum0_ where globalenum0_.uuid=?
In MSSQL this gets translated into something like this:
declare @p1 int
set @p1=NULL
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P0 int, @P1 nvarchar(4000)',N'select top @P0 as id14_, globalenum0_.createdDate as createdD3_14_, globalenum0_.deletedDate as deletedD4_14_, globalenum0_.uuid as uuid14_,
globalenum0_.version as version14_, globalenum0_.code as code14_, globalenum0_.longDescription as longDesc8_14_, globalenum0_.shortDescription as shortDes9_14_, globalenum0_.DTYPE as DTYPE14_ from GlobalEnumeration
globalenum0_ where globalenum0_.uuid=@P1 ',2, N'804A460E-07B0-4F4E-ABFB-CD502B7A86CC'
select @p1
Which results in the following error:
13:42:09,094 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 102, SQLState: S0001
13:42:09,094 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] Incorrect syntax near '@P0'.
When I enter the exact MSSQL sp_prepexec call above into Enterprise Manager, I get the same error. However, if I put parenthesis around the "@P0" in "select top P0" so that it looks like "select top (P0)", then it works:
declare @p1 int
set @p1=NULL
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P0 int, @P1 nvarchar(4000)',N'select top (@P0) as id14_, globalenum0_.createdDate as createdD3_14_, globalenum0_.deletedDate as deletedD4_14_, globalenum0_.uuid as uuid14_,
globalenum0_.version as version14_, globalenum0_.code as code14_, globalenum0_.longDescription as longDesc8_14_, globalenum0_.shortDescription as shortDes9_14_, globalenum0_.DTYPE as DTYPE14_ from GlobalEnumeration
globalenum0_ where globalenum0_.uuid=@P1 ',2, N'804A460E-07B0-4F4E-ABFB-CD502B7A86CC'
select @p1
Considering the "top ?" is inserted into the query by the entity manager, I can't really control this except to avoid using getUniqueResult().
Is this a known issue? If so, is it a bug in the Hibernat MSSQL dialect, or is it a JDBC driver issue?