I think you are mixing up two orthogonal things. Hibernate Core and ORM mapping and domain model validation via Hibernate Validator.
I don't know what you mean with double work and it makes sense to use Validator even without Annotations.
There are generally two points of contact between Hibernate Core and Validator. First is the generation of database level constraints from your Validator constraints (eg @NotNull). The code which makes this automatically happen lives currently in Hibernate Annotations, but you could just copy the relevant classes into your own project. There is nothing within this code which relies on annotations. In fact you could also just include the Annotations jar into your project to get this schema generation functionality (you don't have to use any annotations).
The second point of contact is the automatic validation of your domain model on session lifecycle events. Again with Annotations you get this out of the box, but you can also write your own event listeners for your case. It's just more work.
Testing my domain object using hibernate validator (and validation.xml files) would only test the correctness of my validation rules, not the correctness of my ORM hbm mapping files.
That's correct. Validator is not a tool to check the correctness of your Hibernate mappings. I am not quite sure what you are after here. If your mappings are wrong you will get an error at startup. For developers many IDEs contains some sort of code completion for Hibernate mapping files.