Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:12 pm Posts: 1
My current Environment is : Web Server - Tomcat 5.5 IDE - Eclipse 3.4.2 AXIS2 jdk1.5 Hibernate Core version 3.3.1.GA for Java
I archived all my *.hbm.xml and *.cfg.xml in a jar file (E.g.my_hibernate.jar) instead of having huge list of hibernate files :
Then -
Under Eclipse workspace I have a dynamic project (E.g. my_project) and dropped them under location WebContent\WEB-NF\classes.
My hibernate.cfg.xml has the resources defined by name instead of the jar file name <mapping resource="xxx1.hbm.xml" /> <mapping resource="xxx2.hbm.xml" />
-Under Tomcat I dropped the my_hibernate.jar under location under webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\classes
It seems that having the jar does not help as i get Is there a limitation that one can't jar the hbm's and the cfg's. If not how can one package these files in a jar and deploy them successfully on my tomcat? What if there is a huge list of such hibernate files, how can one compress them easily?
Thank you. Ginny
Under Tomcat I added all my *.hbm.xml and *.cfg.xml to a jar file (E.g myhibernate.jar) instead of have huge list of hibernate files visible under webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\classes