---begin error--- net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: aggregate function expected before ( in SELECT [ from CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS in class edu.gettysburg.beans.TravelBill WHERE CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS.billId IN (SELECT DISTINCT(CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS.billId) FROM CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS in class edu.gettysburg.beans.TravelBill, CMS_TRAVEL_REQUESTS in class edu.gettysburg.beans.TravelRequest WHERE CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS.billId = CMS_TRAVEL_REQUESTS.billId AND CMS_TRAVEL_REQUESTS.shuttleDatetime > to_date('6 2009','MM YYYY')) ORDER BY BILL_ID ASC ] ---end error---
Notes: Using Oracle. Need a solution that does not require any Java coding, SQL only.
Problem: SELECT not supported in IN clause?
Query (hibernate):
SELECT * FROM CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS in class edu.gettysburg.beans.TravelBill WHERE CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS.billId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS.billId) FROM CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS in class edu.gettysburg.beans.TravelBill, CMS_TRAVEL_REQUESTS in class edu.gettysburg.beans.TravelRequest WHERE CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS.billId = CMS_TRAVEL_REQUESTS.billId AND CMS_TRAVEL_REQUESTS.shuttleDatetime > to_date('6 2009','MM YYYY')) ORDER BY CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS.billId ASC
Query (SQL):
SELECT * FROM CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS in class edu.gettysburg.beans.TravelBill WHERE bill_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(b.bill_id) FROM CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS b, CMS_TRAVEL_REQUESTS r WHERE b.bill_id = r.bill_id AND r.shuttled_datetime > to_date('6 2009','MM YYYY')) ORDER BY bill_id ASC
Restraints: I can only append SQL after the text "SELECT * FROM CMS_TRAVEL_BILLS in class edu.gettysburg.beans.TravelBill" in our current code.
Thanks for any help, I've looked all over for a solution and couldn't find anything so far. There has to be a way to do this...I can't imagine something so common in SQL not being compatible.