Hello all, after creating a sample web application POC using the Entity Framework I am attempting to do the same with NH. I ran into what is probably a very simple issue however I can't quite find the solution. My web application is passing an Author object to my service which then supposed to delete the author and all of its children (Articles). I am not utilizing cascading delete so I am trying to nuke those articles manually before I nuke the author, however I can't get the author.Articles list to populate. In the below example author.Articles is always null. I understand I must be missing something regarding the disconnected nature of what I am attempting to do here, but in Entity Framework I was able to simply attach my entity to the ObjectContext (session in NH) and go from there as usual. I recognize that I could simply query first for the Author instance first, but the whole point is to avoid that query as I already have that object being passed into the service.
public void DeleteAuthor(Author author)
using (ISession session = GetSession())
using (ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction())
foreach (Article article in author.Articles)
catch (HibernateException)